No matter the season, motorcycle safety should always be a top priority for those that enjoy the hobby. Enjoying a long ride will be especially fun when you know you will make it to your destination safe and sound.
If you have had a motorcycle accident, contact a motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as you are able. A lawyer with a strong focus on personal injury related to motorcycle accidents can help you secure compensation to pay for long term and short term medical expenses, lost compensation, property damage, and emotional distress. Hopefully, though, some of these motorcycle safety tips can help prevent you from getting in an accident in the first place.
Top Motorcycle Safety Tips

Perform A Walk Around Before You Get On Your Bike
Your motorcycle walk around should be done every time you head out on a ride.
Things to check are:
- Tire pressure
- Oil level
- Lights and signal operation
- Horn operation
- General “runability”
This little check can seem like a pain, but knowing your bike is in perfect working order will not only give you peace of mind, but assure that you are up to code and doing everything possible to avoid a motorcycle accident.
Doing your due diligence can help you avoid responsibility for an accident.
Check Your Helmet
Did you know DOT approved helmets should be replaced every 2 years? This is due to the fact that the protective materials within your helmet tend to break down and become less effective over time. Replace your old helmets accordingly to stay as safe as possible.
Wear the Proper Gear
Pay attention to the weather and dress accordingly. Always were comfortable boots, long pants, and gloves. Nothing is more dangerous then getting on your bike wearing shorts and sandals, for instance.
Always Drive Sober
Motorcycle riding requires your wits to be about you. Driving while intoxicated slows your reaction time, reduces peripheral vision, and compromises balance. Always, always, always drive sober.
Look Twice, and then once more
Whenever approaching a dangerous intersection or making a turn, always give an extra look. Many motorcycle accidents occur as a result of the rider not being seen by the other driver. A rider’s best defense is to make sure he or she sees the opposite driver and has enough time to avoid the accident. If there is snow on the ground, the sun’s reflection can blind drivers and cause them to overlook you, so pay extra care after any snowfall.
Ride in Formation
Always work out the type of formation with other riders before heading out. When the formation is confused, accidental collisions and injuries can result. A well coordinated formation also sends a message to other motorists that you need adequate space and draws more attention to you and everyone else you’re with.
Ride safely out there!
These simple motorcycle safety tips don’t take much effort, but can play a major part in avoiding collisions and help reduce your potential fault for an accident. If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, please contact the professional Pickens motorcycle lawyer with The Clardy Law Firm.