South Carolina Lawyer Keeps Family On Their Feet after Motorcycle Accident

Holly survived a fatal motorcycle accident only to find that medical bills and continual calls from insurance companies weren’t going to stop. Joy, her mother, contacted Clardy Law Firm for help, so she could focus on helping her daughter recover from having her entire leg shattered. Allen Clardy and paralegal, Ashley, visited Holly at her home and came up with a plan. “He pulled up a chair from our kitchen, got right up next to [Holly], held her hand and talked to her. She was very emotional…but he was very compassionate to her and made her feel better knowing… none of this was her fault. She carried a lot of guilt about the accident, being the survivor.” Joy says. Holly agrees, saying “it was just like this weight was lifted off my shoulders… all we had to do after [Allen] left was get me walking again.”

Allen and his team set out to take care of Holly’s case, stop the calls from insurance companies and pay all of the mounting medical bills. “Within no time… her bills were going to collections. But Allen’s firm took care of it and stopped that process, paying all the bills right away, submitting all the claims we were able to get. And everything worked out for the best in Holly’s case. All of her bills were paid and her credit is not ruined which is great for her age, at the age of 21,” Joy says.

Watch the interview with Holly and Joy to hear about their story, and how they felt having The Clardy Law Firm as their personal injury lawyers. A transcript of the interview is included below for your convenience. If you have a personal injury case and you’d like expert advice from seasoned personal injury attorneys, contact us today. We will make sure you get the compensation your deserve, and aren’t left fighting on your own.

Holly: My accident was in February 24 2013, with my friend Harrison Greenway.

Joy: I got the phone call that nobody ever wants to get, much less a mother about their own child, even when they’re grown. A bystander who happend to be a nurse called me and told me she was with my daughter at the scene of an accident and I could hear the sirens in the background. She had a very bad leg injury and they were going to be transporting her to the emergency room.

H: My femur, my tibia, my fibia, pretty much everything in my right leg shattered. I had two surgeries. I have a metal plate and metal pins in my right leg around my knee and when I got discharged and sent home, my mother was taking care of me. And we were getting calls from all of the insurance companies.

J: With her being the passenger on the motorcycle she had no involvement in the case whatsoever, as far as who was at fault, and the one insurance carrier wanted us to go ahead and just take a lump sum of money. Which clearly was not even the tip of the iceberg on my daughter’s medical expenses, and I knew it would not be.

H: When my aunt and my mom were talking and saying “I don’t know what to do. They’re going to just keep calling. I don’t know where to take it from here.”

J: I was afraid of accepting any money. Like I said, Holly was in no shape to make that decision herself, and that’s when I called Allen Clardy.

H: The day that she called him, he and his paralegal, Ashley, came to our house to talk to us.

J: When he sat down to talk to Holly, because she couldn’t sit in anything but a recliner with all that metal adjusted to her leg and was situated kind of weirdly in the chair, he pulled up a chair form our kitchen, got right up next to her, held her hand and talked to her. She was very emotional still because she was still fresh from the scene, almost. But he was very compassionate to her and it made her a lot feel better knowing she played no part in this and none of this was her fault. She carried a lot of guilt about the accident, being the survivor.

H: After he and Ashely left our house, it was just like this weight was lifted off of my shoulders and my mother’s. We had no more calls. And all we had to do after he left our house was get to healing me better and get me walking again.

J: Every step of the way, every time a bill hit my mailbox or someone called me I referred them to Allen and him and his team, with his paralegal Ashely, were just phenomenal. I never had to worry about it, so I was able to actually concentrate on taking care of my daughter instead of worrying about all these medical bills.

All the medical bills and the surgeries was going to add up, and he guaranteed me, he said “you may not get anything from this Holly, but I promise you all your medical bills will be paid from this accident.”

J: Within no time, especially bills as large as my daughters were with her orthopedic injuries, in no time her bills were going to collections. Very quickly, if they weren’t paid quickly, which was very disappointing. But Allen’s firm took care of it and stopped that process, paying all the bills right away, submitting all the claims we were able to get. And everything worked out for the best in Holly’s case. All of her bills were paid and her credit is not ruined which is great for her age, at the age of 21.

H: They were great. They were almost like family, you know? Had it not been for Allen and his team and Ashley, had it been just me and I was in that accident… I wouldn’t have known where to go

J: I think for me it’s more personal. I know Allen, he’s from this area. I think he’s invested in this area. He’s a member of our community, always has been and I feel like he always will be. He was for our best interest the whole time he handled our case. I mean, we were his main focus. And his crew, especially Ashely his paralegal was phenomenal. They always took care of us every step of the way with complete professionalism.

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