Summer in South Carolina – most of the days are warm and sunny, perfect for a motorcycle ride. Motorcyclists can be found in almost every corner of the state but that doesn’t mean South Carolina is any safer or more well-equipped to deal with accidents.
Motorcycle accidents in South Carolina
Compared to cars and trucks, motorcyclists are more than 35x more likely to get involved in a deadly crash. The number of deaths only increases as more and more because of negligent and distracted drivers.
The most common causes of motorcycle accident.
Why do accidents happen in the first place? Here are 5 of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents in South Carolina:
Poorly maintained roads and construction.
If you’re a motorcyclist, you’re vulnerable to road conditions more than a car driver. This means you need to take extra precautions and pay close attention to road conditions. Potholes, gravel, debris, and other road hazards can be encountered regularly on the open road. You also need to pay attention to construction – these sites may require drivers to merge lanes abruptly or force everyone into a one-lane road. Be aware and on the lookout so you don’t get sideswiped by distracted drivers
Driver Negligence
Drivers don’t always see motorcycles. In fact, distracted drivers result in thousands of head-on, sideswipe, and rear-end motorcycle accidents each year.
No helmet
In South Carolina, all motorcyclists and passengers under 21 must wear a helmet approved by the Department of Highways and Public Transportation. If you’re over 21, don’t applaud this freedom. Riding without a helmet is dangerous.
Driving under the influence
Drunk driving is a leading cause of car and motorcycle accident fatalities. The trend continues today in South Carolina and across the country.
Ignoring laws and road signs
Motorcyclists that speed, ignore signs to slow down or merge, or those who try to cut in between traffic are more likely to die in an accident than those who abide by the law and who pay attention to their surroundings.
Road Rage
Road rage incidents are far too common on South Carolina roads. When one driver or rider cuts someone off (either intentionally or by accident), these situations can cascade into violence. This can lead to car drivers bumping motorcyclists.
Contact The Clardy Law Firm today for motorcycle accident attorneys that will fight for you and ensure you get the compensation you deserve