south carolina law

deer collisions

‘Tis The Season For Deer Collisions

Every year, countless motorists find themselves in unexpected and potentially dangerous situations when they collide with deer while driving on South Carolina’s roads. These incidents are not only startling but can also result in injuries, vehicle damage, and legal implications. Understanding what to do when you hit a deer, as well as the legal expectations in such situations, is essential for every driver.

delivery and takeout food

Can delivery and takeout food make you sick? (COVID-19 FACTS)

Amid the COVID-19 crisis, restaurants and food establishments in South Carolina have been limited to providing takeout and delivery options only. But a lot of people are wondering if ordering out can make you sick. Here are the best ways to keep yourself safe and informed, while also supporting your favorite local eateries.  Is it …

Can delivery and takeout food make you sick? (COVID-19 FACTS) Read More »

greenville stay at home order

What To Know About The Greenville Stay At Home Order

South Carolina businesses continue to remain open following Governor McMaster’s objection to issuing a statewide shutdown of non-essential businesses and services. In Thursday’s press briefing, McMaster stated he wouldn’t issue a stay-at-home order unless science and state data justifies it. Despite this, 3 major cities in our state, Greenville included, are taking the issue into …

What To Know About The Greenville Stay At Home Order Read More »

shelter in place order

What you can expect if a shelter in place order is issued in South Carolina 

As the coronavirus continues to spread, more and more states are starting to shut down. In addition to issuing “stay and home” (shelter in place) orders. Earlier this week, on Monday, Governor Henry McMaster stated the idea of a shelter in place order for the state of South Carolina isn’t off the table. While the …

What you can expect if a shelter in place order is issued in South Carolina  Read More »

caring lawyer

Professionalism and Being a Caring Lawyer Can Make a Big Impact

Professionalism and Caring Make a Big Impact At The Clardy Law Firm, we believe that being a caring lawyer can make a big impact. Especially when it comes to the relationships we have with our clients. “When I came to Allen clardy law firm they did exactly what they promised to do. I was exceptionally …

Professionalism and Being a Caring Lawyer Can Make a Big Impact Read More »

south carolina social security disability

The South Carolina Social Security Disability Claims Process

For those who are or have become disabled due to a medical condition or injury, Social Security Disability Benefits can help make ends meet. SSD benefits are given to disabled individuals monthly for at least a year or until the individual can return to work. These benefits help to pay bills, rent, and purchase food …

The South Carolina Social Security Disability Claims Process Read More »