South Carolina businesses continue to remain open following Governor McMaster’s objection to issuing a statewide shutdown of non-essential businesses and services. In Thursday’s press briefing, McMaster stated he wouldn’t issue a stay-at-home order unless science and state data justifies it. Despite this, 3 major cities in our state, Greenville included, are taking the issue into their own hands.
Greenville Stay At Home Order
Greenville Mayor White said that next Monday he plans to hold a conference in which city members (including the mayor, PRISMA medical experts, DHEC and emergency management) will discuss the consideration of a city specific stay at home ordinance, similar to the ones enacted earlier this week by Charleston and Columbia.
Charleston and Columbia ordinances instruct city residents to only leave their homes for essential work and activities. Here’s a sample list of what business Charleston, South Carolina has deemed essential:

- Retail stores and shopping malls
- Fitness centers, yoga, barre, and cycling facilities
- Music venues, theaters, museums, movie theaters
- Arts & crafts businesses
- Dance schools
- Bowling alleys
- Sporting event venues, including golf courses
- Barber shops and hair salons
- Day spas
Greenville has already taken measures to ensure residents are staying safe, including shutting down bars and dine-in service in local restaurants. Playgrounds and outdoor recreation courts have also been closed to encourage social distancing. While parks were closed last week, that hasn’t stopped residents from visiting. This suggests our city might need stronger measures implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Law enforcement has been working to disperse people, warning the public that if they don’t stop congregating in public places more drastic actions might need to be taken. This may include pressuring for the Greenville stay at home order.
What you can do as a resident of Greenville to help
As recommended by the CDC, here are a few things Greenville residents can do to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus and other diseases in our community:
- Know the signs and symptoms of COVID-19
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath (note: holding your breath for longer than 10 seconds is ineffective at determining whether or not you have the coronavirus, it’s simply another piece of misinformation floating around on the internet)
- Know when to seek medical attention. Here are a few of the most common emergency warning signs:
- Trouble breathing
- Persistent pain or pressure in chest
- New confusion or inability to arouse
- Bluish lips or face
- Stay home when you or a family member is sick
- Call your health care provider’s office in advance before you visit so they can properly prepare for your arrival and protect other patients
- Make sure you have a 2-week supply of prescription and over-the-counter medications, food, and essentials ready. Don’t hoard! Just prepare what you need for if you get sick and are unable to leave your home for 2 weeks.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
- Avoid close contact – keep in mind the 6 ft distancing rule.
We’re Here To Help
Amidst the chaos, The Clardy Law Firm wants to remind residents that our legal services remain available for new and existing clients.
If you or a loved on needs help at this time, feel free to reach out to our team. Contact us today.