car accident lawsuit Greenville, South Carolina

The Top 5 Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Car Accident Lawsuit

Auto insurance companies don’t like to pay out when it comes to trying to settle a car accident lawsuit. Just like any other big business, they’re out to build a profit. What this means for you as an accident victim is that they’re waiting and actively looking for you to make a mistake so they don’t have to pay out a fair settlement.

As experienced auto accident attorneys, we’re familiar with the tactics insurance companies use to save money and hurt victims. That’s why we here at The Clardy Law Firm has collected a few tips to help ensure that your car accident lawsuit isn’t hindered by a simple, easily avoidable mistake.

#1 Talking To Others About Your Injuries and Car Accident Lawsuit

This mistake is incredibly easy to avoid but is also one of the most common ones made. Avoid talking to anyone about you case and injuries. The only people you need to trust are your car accident lawyer and doctors. Auto insurance adjusters, third party case managers, and insurance lawyers will attempt to contact you. If someone wants to know about your case, direct them to call your attorney.

#2 Hiding Pre-Existing Medical Conditions and Injuries

Following a car accident, you’ll likely be talking to doctors and specialists that will want to know about your medical history. It’s important that you disclose everything. Even if you think something may not be important or significant, a previous medical condition that isn’t exposed can ruin your car accident lawsuit. Getting caught in a lie about a previous condition or injury is much worse than being too open to your medical provider about it.

#3 Being Too Active and Open On Social Media

Insurance adjusters and attorneys will be investigating and monitoring your activity, including what you post on your social media accounts. Even if you have your privacy settings on lockdown, people can still discover what you’re doing and saying online. There have been many documented situations where social media posts have ruined accident claims. You don’t need to delete your account but it’s wise to be very careful – it’s best to stop posting anything new following your injury.

#4 Not Documenting Your Injuries

Another common mistake people make is not taking pictures of a visible injury or surgery after a car accident. Not only will doing so show the extent of your injuries, it can show your progress and how much pain you had to endure throughout the healing. Taking video of your progression is also suggested. Having photographic or video evidence can provide very strong evidence in your favor.

#5 Signing Paperwork Without Knowledge Of What You’re Agreeing To

The best rule to follow is to not sign anything without your attorney present. Insurance companies may try to trick you and you may not be in the right state of mind to understand the fine print. Sometimes people will sign something from the insurance company that limits or waives their right to future compensation. It’s also a good rule of thumb to never let anyone (except your car accident lawyer or doctor) have access to your medical records and cellphone records. If someone requests your signature or medical/phone records, tell them to speak to your attorney to get what they need.

The Best Way To Avoid These Mistakes

The easiest way to avoid mistakes is to communicate with your car accident attorney and not speak with other people about your case. There are so many things you can accidentally do that can hurt your car accident lawsuit that can be avoided by simply calling your lawyer and asking a question. If you’ve been involved in a car accident and need assistance getting the compensation you deserve for your injuries, contact The Clardy Law Firm.

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If you or a loved one was injured in South Carolina, we offer a free, no-obligation case review so you can see how we can help.

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