When people hear the words workers compensation, they often will think of someone injuring their back or slipping and falling at work. But there are a lot of compensation claims that workers make that are not visible to the people around them. Below are 6 common types of occupational illnesses and injuries that workers comp will cover.

This is a lung disease which is caused by breathing in asbestos particles or fibers at work. Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring fibrous materials, made up of thin, needle-like fibres. Exposure to asbestos can lead to several types of cancers and diseases, including asbestosis and asbestos mesothelioma. Asbestos used to be a building material of choice in earlier architecture. It was affordable and helped to strengthen and fireproof materials. As a result, asbestos can be found in many buildings today, making it a major danger for those in the construction and maintenance industries.
Asbestos Mesothelioma
Asbestos mesothelioma is a rare type of malignant tumour typically caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibres. These tumours form in the lining of the lungs, abdomen, and/or heart. As a result, this disease is typically quite fatal as it affects a majority of the major organs.
Workers at risk of asbestos-related disease and illness
- Construction Workers
- Firefighters
- Military
- Industrial workers
- Power Plant workers
- Shipyard workers
- Steel mill workers
- Textile mill workers
- Factory workers
- Insulators
- Boiler Workers
- Asbestos Mining
Silicosis is a lung disease which happens from inhaling quartz or silica dust at work. It’s a disease that mostly affects workers exposed to silica dust in occupations such as mining, glass manufacturing, and foundry work. Therefore, over time, exposure to silica particles causes scarring in the lungs. This condition severely affects your ability to breathe. In addition, it also hinders your overall quality of life. The impact of this disease is what makes it one of the injuries workers comp will cover. But it is only one of many.
Occupational groups most at risk for developing silicosis
- Construction workers
- Heavy equipment operators
- Plasterers
- Drywallers
- Brickmason/stonemasons
- Machinists
- Painters that sandblast
- Rock drillers
- Roof bolters
- Sandblasters
- Steelworker welders
Repetitive strain
Physical condition which happens in the upper body from excessively repeating certain tasks. But it usually will involve mostly just the hands. For example, a few of the most well-known forms of this condition are carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis, and tendonitis. In addition, other types include:
- Raynaud’s disease
- Trigger finger
- Dystonia (writer’s cramp)
- Nerve entrapment disorders
- Impingement syndrome
- Radial tunnel syndrome
- Ulnar tunnel syndrome
- Tenosynovitis
- Thoracic outlet syndrome
- Rotator cuff injuries
- Blackberry thumb (DeQuervain’s syndrome)
- Knee injuries that affect the ACL or MCL
- Epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
- Ganglion
Workers at risk for repetitive stress injuries
- Construction workers
- Manufacturing and assembly line workers
- Loaders, movers, stock handlers, and general transport workers
- Truck drivers
- Healthcare workers (particularly nurses)
- Bakers and cake decorators
- Farm, dairy, and field workers
- Mechanics
- Mail carriers and deliverymen
- Cleaning industry workers
- Cashiers
- Butchers and meat packages
- Seamstresses and tailors
- Office workers
Industrial Deafness
A hearing problem which comes from being exposed to excessive amounts of noise, like loud machines, at work. Consequently, this condition usually results in a gradual deterioration of hearing over time.
Occupations causing hearing loss
- Manufacturing
- Construction
- Carpentry
- Mining
- Entertainment (DJs, musicians, bartenders, wait staff, and security)
- Military
- Agriculture/farming
Vibration white finger
This physical condition happens when a worker is using vibrating machinery at work for a long period of time. So it affects the blood vessels, nerves, muscles, joints and connective tissue of the hand, wrist, and arm.
Workers affected by vibration white finger
Workers who regularly use power tools in various industries are at risk. For example, those from construction and maintenance to mining and forestry. Any kind of vibrating hand tool can result in the type of hand-arm vibrations. In addition, ones that lead to the vibration of white fingers.
Tools that have specifically been linked include:
- Grinders
- Riveters
- Drills
- Jackhammers
- Chain saws
If you have one of the illnesses or injuries above because of your work, one thing that you should do is get a lawyer to help with your claim. Contact our experienced South Carolina workers comp attorneys today. In short, we’ve helped a lot of people with their worker’s compensation claims. Above all we can help you, too! Furthermore, we’ll be able to get you the compensation you deserve. But don’t just take our word for it, give us a call to learn more.