Your auto accident attorney will do everything to help you after the fact when an accident occurs. However, you are the person who is on the scene. Keep your head and follow the tips below so that you can properly prepare your personal injury attorney to fight for you most effectively throughout the legal process.
Take Pictures of the Scene.
Before you even talk to the other driver, make sure that you take pictures of all relevant items in the scene with your smart phone. Whether or not you believe your car to have suffered injury, take pictures of it. Take pictures of the impact point on the other car, and take pictures from other angles. Take pictures of yourself and of the other driver and any passengers from as many different angles as possible. If the other driver becomes belligerent, call and wait for the police.
Write Down or Dictate as Much as Possible.
If your smart phone or tablet comes equipped with a recording device, dictate as much as you can remember about the accident into an audio recording program. Do this before you talk to the other driver and before you get out of the car, if possible.
Ask for a Copy of All Police Records.
You will have a much easier time in court if your records match the records of the officer on scene. Get a copy of all records from police. You should have the officer’s name from the scene of the accident. You can also call the non-emergency number to get in touch with someone who can help you find the records of your accident.
Please do not hesitate to contact your professional car accident lawyers Greenville, SC if you have been in an accident. We protect your interests with an eye to keeping your business intact and your life on track.