Allen Clardy

Allen Clardy is an upstate native and has 17 years experience practicing law with an emphasis on personal injury law. He lives in Greenville with his wife and their three children. Allen was recently selected to be included in the American Trial Lawyers Association Top 100 Lawyers in South Carolina and is a member of the Million Dollar Advocates’ Forum. Allen is an avid sportsman and also coaches his son’s soccer team. Allen deals exclusively with personal injury cases.

pain and suffering

How Insurance Companies Calculate Pain and Suffering

When you’re injured as a result of someone else’s actions, you may be entitled to a personal injury settlement from the at-fault person’s insurance company. When reviewing your settlement claims, you will likely encounter the phrase “pain and suffering.” It is a common topic of discussion in personal injury law. It’s also a topic with which you …

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caring lawyer

Professionalism and Being a Caring Lawyer Can Make a Big Impact

Professionalism and Caring Make a Big Impact At The Clardy Law Firm, we believe that being a caring lawyer can make a big impact. Especially when it comes to the relationships we have with our clients. “When I came to Allen clardy law firm they did exactly what they promised to do. I was exceptionally …

Professionalism and Being a Caring Lawyer Can Make a Big Impact Read More »