The Clardy Law Firm – Truck Accidents

Greenville, South Carolina
Truck Accident Lawyers


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Experienced Truck Accident Attorneys
Don't Fight Alone.

After a trucking accident, you deserve fair compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. But without an experienced law firm on your side, you may be offered a settlement that leaves you paying your damages out of pocket. At The Clardy Law Firm, we know that’s not right, and our truck accident lawyers want to help.


According to the most recent statistics from the South Carolina Department of Public Safety, a truck accident occurs about every 3 minutes in South Carolina. The number of fatalities and injuries associated with trucking accidents in South Carolina has increased substantially.  

There are many factors to consider when it comes to what causes vehicle collisions in South Carolina. By finding patterns in these factors, drivers can help to reduce the number of truck accidents that occur. Here are just a few of them:


The driver of the truck is the main factor of nearly all trucking accidents in South Carolina. Drivers face many decisions when operating their vehicles. Poor judgement, inattentiveness, carelessness, or negligence on the part of a truck driver can lead to dangerous driving decisions, which can result in a serious trucking accident.

  • Men, especially between the ages of 20-24, are more likely to end up in a fatal truck accident than their female counterparts


The concentration of traffic is heavier at certain times of the day, during specific days of the week, and throughout certain months. Holidays and special events (like football and basketball games) also affect travel. The time of year also correlates with expected weather conditions, which can impact driver behavior, as well.

  • A majority of fatal truck wrecks occur between 3:01 p.m. and 3:00 a.m.
  • You’re more likely to end up in a fatal collision during November, March, and August
  • Surprisingly, most major truck accidents happen sometime between Monday-Thursday, not during the weekend
  • The most dangerous holiday to travel during is the Fourth of July


While no area in South Carolina is completely safe from truck accidents, there are certain parts where accidents are more likely to occur. Traffic concentration, weather variations, road work, and travel patterns are just a few factors that influence where truck wrecks can take place.

  • A majority of trucking accidents occur on state secondary routes


Road surfaces, weather, light conditions, traffic control, road character, trafficway, junction type, and work zone type are just a few of the external and extrinsic factors that can affect and influence operation of your motor vehicle.

  • About 87% of all South Carolina truck accidents happen on dry road surfaces
  • Almost 90% of truck wrecks occurred during cloudy weather