Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

20 Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

Selecting a lawyer from the hundreds in the Greenville, South Carolina and Pickens, South Carolina area can be difficult. There are different specialties, methods and experiences each law firm brings to the table. Finding the right one for your situation is tough. There are questions you should ask before hiring a personal injury lawyer; in order to make comparisons easier.

Instead of choosing the first personal injury lawyer available, take the time to ask questions.

Be thorough in your search and you will reap the benefits of picking the perfect law firm for your needs.

As stated before not all law firms offer the same type of specialty, so it’s important to make sure they handle cases like yours. If they don’t, cross them off your list and move on. If they do, find out who will be leading your case and continue with questions 2-20.

Do you specialize in law related to my situation?

Are you going to handle this case yourself?

If not how many people are going to assist you in this case?

How long have you practiced law?

How much education do you have?

Do you belong to legal organizations or professional groups?

How many cases have you handled that are similar to mine?

What is the process you’re going to take to solve my situation?

Are there alternatives that I need to know about?

How often do you go to court?

What is your history in winning cases?

If you are unsuccessful, how will you then proceed to handle my case?

How will this case affect my personal life?

Considering your case workload, how long do you believe this case will last?

How much do you charge?What are the payment options?

Do I have to pay money upfront or a lump sum before representation?

Is there other fees and costs that I need to pay?

How often will you inform me about the status of my case?

Are there any contracts that I have to sign? 

May I look over them first?

This is a fairly thorough list of practical questions to ask your lawyer.

Don’t be shy when interviewing lawyers, though. If you have a specific concern, or feel like your case might be unique, bring it to the attorney’s attention and ask for their opinion, or if they have dealt with similar questions before. Depending on the answers they give a Q & A session should narrow down the many possibilities to a short list.  Be sure to consider your feelings about the lawyer and the environment.  If you don’t feel comfortable with anything take the hint and find another lawyer.  Contact us for more information about legal representation and personal injury law. We would be more than happy to answer these questions for you, and tell you about how our personal injury lawyers can help you.

Contact The Clardy Law Firm For Your Free, No-Obligation Case Evaluation


If you or a loved one was injured in South Carolina, we offer a free, no-obligation case review so you can see how we can help.

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