3 Tips On Finding The Best Personal Injury Lawyer

3 Tips On Finding The Best Personal Injury Lawyer

Finding the best personal injury lawyer to represent you can be a tedious process. How do you know what to look for? Where do you begin searching? Here are a few things to consider before you decide what best personal injury lawyer is right for you:

The internet

  • When you do a quick search to find the best personal injury lawyer, the first 2-5 listings will be ads paid for by the attorney. This is typically representative of a high volume law practice (which is a good thing).
  • Look for a law firm that shows that they specialize in personal injury cases.
  • Top lawyers will keep an up-to-date blog that shows they’re active and that they want to help their clients stay educated
  • Go through reviews and testimonials. See what others have to say about their experience with a particular lawyer or firm.


Referrals from friends and relatives are always great for finding a good lawyer and avoiding a bad one. If you belong to any clubs or social groups, consider asking your acquaintances if they have any recommendations.


Just like wanting to have a lawyer that specializes in personal injury, you also want a lawyer that is experienced. There’s no set number of years or cases that determines a good lawyer, but a lawyer that has more experience with your type of case will be better able to represent you and understand your case (since they’ve dealt with similar cases before).

When in doubt, ask questions

If you’re unsure whether a lawyer is right for you based on what you’ve heard in person or read online, that’s ok! Set up a few consultations with multiple personal injury lawyers to ask questions (like these) and determine for yourself whether you’re comfortable working with that lawyer.

Looking for a personal injury lawyer? Contact The Clardy Law Firm to set up your consultation and start asking questions today! We care about your case and want to help you get the compensation you deserve.

Contact The Clardy Law Firm For Your Free, No-Obligation Case Evaluation


If you or a loved one was injured in South Carolina, we offer a free, no-obligation case review so you can see how we can help.

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Contact The Clardy Law Firm For Your Free, No-Obligation Case Evaluation
