Allen Clardy

Allen Clardy is an upstate native and has 17 years experience practicing law with an emphasis on personal injury law. He lives in Greenville with his wife and their three children. Allen was recently selected to be included in the American Trial Lawyers Association Top 100 Lawyers in South Carolina and is a member of the Million Dollar Advocates’ Forum. Allen is an avid sportsman and also coaches his son’s soccer team. Allen deals exclusively with personal injury cases.

South Carolina Workers Comp Benefits Greenville, South Carolina

Types of South Carolina Workers Comp Benefits

Types of South Carolina Workers Comp Benefits South Carolina workers comp benefits exist to protect you if you sustain an injury in your workplace. These South Carolina workers comp benefits include compensation for lost wages, medical expenses, and help with long-term disability. Medical Expenses South Carolina workers comp benefits cover medical expenses. This includes medical …

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Workers Compensation Eligibility Greenville South Carolina

South Carolina Workers Compensation Eligibility

South Carolina Workers Compensation Eligibility The South Carolina workers compensation system exists to protect employees that get injured on the job. Employees that are hurt in their workplaces or develop occupational diseases related to their lines of work are eligible for workers compensation eligibility in South Carolina. How Does workers compensation eligibility in South Carolina …

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occupational disease Greenville, South Carolina

Occupational Disease And Workers Compensation

Some work-related injuries occur immediately while others, like occupational disease, may take years to appear. Occupational disease is covered under the South Carolina workers compensation system. What is an occupational disease? Under South Carolina workers compensation law, an occupational disease is defined as a disease that arises out of and in the course of employment …

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